
职  务:

职  称:教授、硕士生导师


科研方向:1、病原微生物共感染,微生物共培养,以及微生物相互作用机制。 2、病原微生物与宿主的相互作用及宿主的免疫响应机制。

李婷婷,2007年本科毕业于吉林大学。2009年获武汉大学微生物学硕士学位。2014年,获美国华盛顿州立大学(Washington State University)博士学位。2014-2018年于美国约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)从事微生物共培养方向的博士后研究。2019年加入必赢626net入口首页。热忱欢迎有志从事科研的青年加入本课题组,具有医学和生物学背景均可。






  1. Gou,Y., Liu, D., Xin,Y., Wang,T., Li, J., Xi,Y., Zheng, X., Che, T., Zhang, Y., Li, T. * and Feng, J. * (2024). " Viable but Nonculturable State in the Zoonotic Pathogen Bartonella henselae Induced by Low-Grade Fever Temperature and Antibiotic Treatment." Front Cell Infect Microbiol (Accepted).
  2. Feng, J., Li, J., Liu, D., Xin, Y., Sun, J., Yin, W.-B. & Li, T*. Generation and comprehensive analysis of Synechococcus elongatus–Aspergillus nidulans co-culture system for polyketide production. Biotechnol Biofuels 16, 32, (2023).
  3. Jin, X., Y. Gou, Y. Xin, J. Li, J. Sun, Li, T.* and Feng, J. * (2023). Advancements in understanding the molecular and immune mechanisms of Bartonella pathogenicity. Front Microbiol 14: 1196700.
  4. Li, T., Xin, Y., Liu, D., Sun, J., Li, J., Zhang, Y. & Feng, J. High-throughput Drug Screening on Borrelia garinii and Borrelia afzelii Identified Hypocrellin A as an Active Drug Candidate Against Borrelia Species. Infect Microbes Dis, 5(2):83-92 (2023).
  5. Li, T., Pang, N., He, L., Xu, Y., Fu, X., Tang, Y., Shachar-Hill, Y. & Chen, S. Re-Programing Glucose Catabolism in the Microalga Chlorella sorokiniana under Light Condition. Biomolecules 12, 939 (2022).
  6. Li, T., Jiang, L. Q., Hu, Y. F., Paul, J. T., Zuniga, C., Zengler, K. & Betenbaugh, M. J. Creating a synthetic lichen: Mutualistic co-culture of fungi and extracellular polysaccharide-secreting cyanobacterium Nostoc PCC 7413. Algal Res 45, 101755 (2020).
  7. Li, T., Liu, D., Yang, Y., Guo, J., Feng, Y., Zhang, X., Cheng, S. & Feng, J. Phylogenetic supertree reveals detailed evolution of SARS-CoV-2. Sci Rep 10, 22366, (2020).
  8. Li, T., Feng, J., Xiao, S., Shi, W., Sullivan, D. & Zhang, Y. Identification of FDA-Approved Drugs with Activity against Stationary Phase Bartonella henselae. Antibiotics (Basel) 8, (2019).
  9. Li, T., Li, C. T., Butler, K., Hays, S. G., Guarnieri, M. T., Oyler, G. A. & Betenbaugh, M. J. Mimicking lichens: incorporation of yeast strains together with sucrose-secreting cyanobacteria improves survival, growth, ROS removal, and lipid production in a stable mutualistic co-culture production platform. Biotechnol Biofuels 10, 55 (2017).
  10. Li, T., Kirchhoff, H., Gargouri, M., Feng, J., Cousins, A. B., Pienkos, P. T., Gang, D. R. & Chen, S. Assessment of photosynthesis regulation in mixotrophically cultured microalga Chlorella sorokiniana. Algal Res 19, 30-38, (2016).
  11. Li, T., Gargouri, M., Feng, J., Park, J. J., Gao, D., Miao, C., Dong, T., Gang, D. R. & Chen, S. Regulation of starch and lipid accumulation in a microalga Chlorella sorokiniana. Bioresour Technol 180, 250-257, (2015).
  12. Li, T., Zheng, Y., Yu, L. & Chen, S. Mixotrophic cultivation of a Chlorella sorokiniana strain for enhanced biomass and lipid production. Biomass Bioenerg 66, 204-213 (2014).
  13. Li, T., Zeng, J., Singh, D., & Chen, S. New insights into the role of termite Coptotermes formosanus inhabiting Streptomyces in degradation of lignin. J Bioremediat & Biodegrad, 5:220. (2014)
  14. Li, T., Zheng, Y., Yu, L. & Chen, S. High productivity cultivation of a heat-resistant microalga Chlorella sorokiniana for biofuel production. Bioresour Technol 131, 60-67, (2013).
  15. Zuniga, C., Li, T., Guarnieri, M. T., Jenkins, J. P., Li, C. T., Bingol, K., Kim, Y. M., Betenbaugh, M. J. & Zengler, K. Synthetic microbial communities of heterotrophs and phototrophs facilitate sustainable growth. Nat Commun 11, 3803, (2020).
  16. Yu, L., Li, T., Ma, J., Zhao, Q., Wensel, P., Lian, J. & Chen, S. A kinetic model of heterotrophic and mixotrophic cultivation of the potential biofuel organism microalgae Chlorella sorokiniana. Algal Res 64, 102701 (2022).
  17. Jiang, L., Li, T., Jenkins, J., Hu, Y., Brueck, C., Pei, H. & Betenbaugh, M. J. Evidence for a mutualistic relationship between the cyanobacteria Nostoc and fungi Aspergilli in different environments. Appl Microbiol Biot 104, 6413-6426, (2020).
  18. Feng, J., Li, T., Yee, R., Yuan, Y., Bai, C., Cai, M., Shi, W., Embers, M., Brayton, C., Saeki, H., Gabrielson, K. & Zhang, Y. Stationary Phase Persister/Biofilm Microcolony of Borrelia burgdorferi Causes More Severe Disease in a Mouse Model of Lyme Arthritis: Implications for Understanding Persistence, Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS), and Treatment Failure. Discov Med 27, 125-138 (2019).
  19. Zheng, Y., Li, T., Yu, X., Bates, P., Dong, T. & Chen, S. High-density fed-batch culture of a thermotolerant microalga Chlorella sorokiniana for biofuel production. Appl Energ 108, 281-287, (2013).